Tuesday, October 12, 2010

i have silly friends and im getting fat *sad face*

i am now 20 weeks and 3 days pregnant ::sigh::

Anywho i was just talking to my friend Berkie online about random prego crap and stretch marks came up. He was telling me how he cant believe science hasnt come up with a way to get rid of them yet and somehow that turned into AIDS talk haha. here is a bit of out convo that had me laughing:

i have them from being so damn tall (talking about stretch marks)
you'd think science could fix them
yeah but they r idiots
they're too busy with AIDS
fuck AIDS
I'm not a fag
I dont care about it

If the gays would have kept their cocks to each other and not ALSO had sex with women, we'd never have to worry about AIDS
fucking hippies
our parents generation ruined everything
they did all the drugs and had all the sex
now everyone is retarded from the drugs and contagious from the sex
so we have to be careful
those jerks
the 60's was one big orgy and who gets to clean up the social mess?
the least they could do would be to all die at once so social security wouldn't go under

ok the end.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

i know...i know...

ok i know its been like 20 years since my last post but hey, im lazy and i forget it exists which is weird considering how much i blog stalk other people. Anywho quick update since i have to run to target and get diapers for Ali.

update in numbers...

1. im prego and STILL dont know how i feel about it.
2. i need to pottie train ali but im lazy and cant seem to get past hour 3.
3. i will be in seattle this weekend for hempfest.
4. we have already picked baby names 3 girl names 3 boy names.
5. work is going good except ive called in sick 3 times cuz "marklar" has been making me sick. my boss seems like she wants to fire me if i keep doing it..bitch...jk...kinda.
6. i dont know if its hormones but Andrew has been pissing me off. and most of the time its for no reason at all. one glance at him makes me want to smash his face in...poor guy.
7. my house seems to always be dirty. there has been a sticky spot on the floor the size of a dinner plate for over a week now. its gross and things r starting to stick to it haha.

ok good enough for now.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Audrina Partridge...

Ok i found a picture of what i want my body to look like. I even want to grow out my hair about this length and maybe even the color...what do you think?


DAY ONE: complete!

So i stepped on the scale this morning and OMFG am i a fatty fat fat...Ive gained another 4 pounds! ::vomit::

My goal is to lose 13 pounds and lose the rest of this baby fat. Note that i am 5'11'' at 158lbs. i want to get back to 145.

Lets see what i look like after 30 days with the devil woman work out.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Ooook so i started this blog back in Feb. and havent touched it til today. It only took me about 6 hours to figure out how to make my page look a little cooler...yes im slow i know....
ANYWHO.... in my very first post i wrote that it was the first day of LOST. Well, last night was the season finale of it and im still confuse (man i hate that damn show! and im glad its over! well not really ::tear::).

I started Jillian "devil woman" Michaels 30 day shred last week and only did it for 2 days. Im weak and it hurt and im a big baby but i think i will start up again tomorrow. Ill try to keep you updated and maybe ill take pix to show my progress.

Oh! i got a job! ME! can you believe it?? its been over 3 years! I am so glad i got to be a stay at home mommy so I didnt have to miss a single thing when it came to Ali, but I finally decided it was time to get back into the grown up world. At least for a little while.

I have a little news but i dont think i want to tell anyone just yet.
Its getting late and my eyes hurt so i will try to blog tomorrow.

Gute Nacht!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i must be part Rah-tard...

i decided to be cool and become a follower and start blogging so the world can stalk me as i do to the world. anywho i must be slow in the head because i cant figure out how to make this page look cool or add the side stuff about me, andrew and ali. i guess ill have to ask someone about that.

Well the real reason i started this blog was so i can update family and friends about my life, mostly about Alison. ill write more later but andrew just got home with foooood...mmmm sushi and burgers ::drool::

OH and LOST start tonight! woooooo!!!

ok peace out!